Flowers, Part II

”… and one day he says to me “Well… even though I’m a guy i still like flowers” I laughed so hard. He wanted blue and green flowers because that honors his sister. So then the next year we had about 15 gardens, and last year counting everyone who had pots or anything we had about 40.

You see when there is a lot of death, a lot of sickness, we can still go out and see that the pumpkins are ok, the roses are coming up. Kinda the cycle of life that gives a broader sense of connection that helps sustain through. The biggest change I’ve seen is engagement and physical activity. Engagement with outdoors and nature. Really engaged in the planning, their property, the land just being outdoors and being more connected to the birds, the bees and flowers. The little grandkids get involved, “Can I put one or two seeds in grandma?” Even if they only plant one thing, thats still important! The planning and process creates hope because even in the darkness of winter we can talk about what will be planted next spring.”