Our Mission

To create health equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives in one generation.

Our Bottom Line Is Not Only About Creating Financial Returns; It Is Also About Creating Lasting Social Benefits

a young indigenous woman squats on a hilltop, pensive

Indigenous Pact's Mission Is to Create Health Equity

Our team members bring decades of experience working - and living - in Indian Country. And because many of us are also Tribal members, we understand the communities we serve through shared experience.

We bring unwavering commitment to ensure the success of your initiatives, and we see each engagement with our Tribal partners as an invitation to learn and build collaboratively. The results? Real health equity and practical outcomes for the people we serve.

a toddler wearing a beanie hat smiles at the camera

Our Vision

We are advocates of Tribal self-determination and partner with Tribes to support the delivery of Indigenous-led care.

Our vision is to provide a supportive healthcare infrastructure that connects Tribal Nations, enhancing their efforts to protect the health of their people and the health of generations to come.

Our Values

empathy tile
bravery tile



transformation tile
wisdom tile



an indigenous child colors while her mother works on a laptop next to her

Indigenous Pact Is a Public Benefit Corporation
(Certified B Corporation)

As such, we hold ourselves to the highest standards with careful consideration of how our business decisions impact Tribal communities.

Let’s Connect

Our mission is intended to support yours.
Let's discuss putting your ideas into action!